Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern the use of any website owned by Canon Australia Pty Limited (ABN 66 005 002 951) (“Canon”). By accessing or using any such website (“Site”), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and Canon’s Privacy Policy.

Personal Use of Site Only

Unless Canon agrees otherwise in writing, you are provided with access to the Site only for your personal use. You are authorised to print a copy of any information contained on the Site for your personal use, unless such printing is expressly prohibited.


Copyright in the material on the Site (including text, graphics, logos, icons, sound recordings and software) is owned or licensed by Canon. Other than for the purposes of, and subject to the conditions prescribed under, the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and similar legislation in other jurisdictions, and except as expressly authorised by these Terms of Use, you may not in any form or by any means: adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Site; or commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of the Site, without Canon’s written permission.

Trade Marks

The trade marks used on the Site are either trade marks of Canon Inc. or Canon, or third party trade marks which Canon has permission to use. Nothing on the Site gives you any licence or right to use any trade mark displayed on the Site without the express written permission of Canon Inc. or Canon or, if applicable, the third party owner of the trade mark.


The Site may contain links to web sites which are not owned by Canon. Such links do not constitute any form of endorsement of the linked sites by Canon. Your linking to any other such site is entirely at your own risk.

User Details

If you register details of yourself (“User Details”) in order to access particular areas or features of the Site, it is your responsibility to provide accurate and appropriate details and to keep any passwords confidential. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur using your User Details. Canon is entitled to act on instructions received under your User Details, and you release Canon from any liability arising from any such action.

Specific Disclaimers

  • Whilst Canon has no reason to believe that any information contained on the Site is inaccurate, we do not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of such information, nor do we undertake to keep the Site updated. We do not accept responsibility for loss suffered as a result of reliance by you upon the accuracy or currency of information contained on the Site.
  • Features and specifications of products and services described or depicted on, or available for purchase through, the Site are subject to change without notice.
  • Information on the Site has been prepared in accordance with Australian law and may not satisfy the laws of any other country.
  • Canon assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for any damage to your computer equipment or other property due to your access to, or use of the Site or your downloading of any material from the Site.
  • Canon assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for any interruptions or errors in access to the Site or the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, security or reliability of any communications (including, without limitation, any transactions) made through or in relation to the Site.


Exclusions and Limitations of Liability

Canon gives no express warranties regarding the Site. To the extent permitted by law, Canon excludes all liability for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence), which you may suffer, directly or indirectly, in connection with your use of the Site. We limit our liability for breach of any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which would contravene any statute or cause this clause to be void to the fullest extent permitted by law, namely:

  • if the breach relates to goods:
  • the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods;
  • the repair of such goods;
  • the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or
  • the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired;
  • if the breach relates to services:
  • the supplying of the services again; or
  • the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.


Changes to these Terms

Canon reserves the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time, in accordance with relevant circumstances. If we do so, we will post the revised Terms of Use here. We may also give notice by other means, such as a message on the Site.

Termination of Access

Canon may terminate access to the Site at any time without prior notice.

Governing Law

These terms, and all matters arising out of or relating to them, are governed by the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales, Australia. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.